Pick Up Line Ar Eyou a Gorrill Abecause Id Like to Put a Baby in You

Pick-upward lines. "Rock-my-world-baby" lines. "Please-oh-please-look-my-manner" lines. Flirty talk. Dirty talk. Tinder jokes.

Whatever you call them, chat-upwards lines in English language, and all other languages, are oft used by men – and sometimes women – to catch a potential honey interest's attention.

They're kind of like water ice breakers – things people used to shout beyond streets and whisper into ears (you lot know, when socialising outside households was actively encouraged!), and now typically swap on online dating apps like Tinder.

Though we can all agree they're not the nearly romantic or charming things in the world. Funny to some, perchance, but as mind-blowing as proverb I beloved you lot? Not so much.

So while we wouldn't recommend walking up to someone yous like and delivering a cheesy chat-up line equally a conversation starter, they can exist an entertaining read on paper.

So, as a Valentine's Day special in 2022, nosotros've asked a handful of our Busuu community to recollect their silliest and all-time chat-up line war stories.*

* Small disclaimer alarm: we've excluded all dirty, lewd chat-upwardly lines. Laugh at the cheesy stuff, we can exercise, but forgive the unforgivable, we can't!

Laugh, weep and ridicule away at the worst and virtually cringe-worthy pick-up lines in English language, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian and Spanish. We promise y'all enjoy them.

25 cheesy and cringy English language pick-upwards lines

  1. Are yous tired? You lot've been running through my mind.
  2. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.
  3. Somebody call the cops. It'due south got to be illegal to wait that good.
  4. Are you ok? It must accept hurt when you roughshod from heaven.
  5. If you lot were a Transformer, y'all'd be Optimus Fine.
  6. They call me the Periodic Table and I say there's chemical science betwixt u.s.a..
  7. Give me your Twitter? My male parent said that I must follow my dream.
  8. There'south something wrong with my phone. Information technology doesn't accept your number in it.
  9. Is your name Google? Because yous've got everything I'm searching for.
  10. Practice you believe in love at get-go sight, or should I walk past you again?
  11. Are you my phone charger? Because without yous, I'd die.
  12. Do y'all like raisins? How do you feel about a date?
  13. Sorry, you lot owe me a drink. (Why?) Because when I saw you, I dropped mine.
  14. Have you lot met me? Oh, that's correct – I've merely met you in my dreams.
  15. Hello. Cupid called. He said he wants my heart back.
  16. Howdy, I'm writing a phonebook. Tin can I have your number?
  17. Hey, tie your shoes. I don't want you lot falling for anyone else.
  18. I'd say God bless yous, but it looks like he already did.
  19. I seem to have lost my number… can I have yours?
  20. Hey, do you lot have a couple of minutes for me to hit on y'all?
  21. You're so beautiful that you made me forget my chat-upwards line.
  22. Are y'all going to buss me, or am I going to have to lie to my diary?
  23. There must be something wrong with my eyes. I can't take them off you.
  24. You must be a hell of a thief, because you stole my centre from beyond the room.
  25. Do you know how much a polar behave weighs? Me neither, merely information technology broke the ice.

4 G*d-atrocious French selection-up lines

  1. Ton père est un voleur, il a volé toutes les étoiles du ciel pour les mettre dans tes yeux. (Your dad is a thief – he stole all the stars and put them in your optics.)
  2. Dans le royaume de mon cœur, c'est toi la princesse. (In the kingdom of my heart, you're the princess.)
  3. Moi sans toi, c'est comme un océan sans eau. (Me without you is similar an ocean without h2o.)
  4. Si tu veux savoir pourquoi je te suis, c'est parce que mon père yard'a toujours dit de poursuivre monday rêve. (If you want to know why I'm following you, information technology's considering my dad always told me to follow my dream.)

4 even worse German chat-up lines

  1. Tat es eigentlich weh, als du vom Himmel gefallen bist? (Did it injure when you fell from heaven?)
  2. Dein Vater muss ein Dieb sein, denn er chapeau die Sterne vom Himmel genommen und sie in deinen Augen versteckt. (Your dad must be a thief, because he took stars from the heaven and hid them in your eyes.)
  3. Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten gibt es hier noch, außer dir? (What other sights are here/in the metropolis, except for yous?)
  4. Hast du einen Stift? Ich muss deine Nummer aufschreiben. (Do you accept a pen? I accept to write down your phone number.)

Oh, and there's more: 3 bad Italian selection-up lines

  1. Hai una bussola? Mi sono perso nei tuoi occhi. (Do you lot accept a compass? I got lost in your eyes.)
  2. Tuo padre deve essere un ladro. Perché ha rubato le stelle dal cielo e le ha messe al posto dei tuoi occhi. (Your father must have been a thief. Because he stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.)
  3. Ci credi all'amore a prima vista o devo ripassare più tardi? (Do you believe in beloved at outset sight, or do I accept to come up back later?)

We're still going: 3 woeful Polish chat-up lines

  1. Masz patent ratownika? Bo utonąłem west Twoim spojrzeniu. Are yous a qualified lifeguard? Because I drowned in your gaze.
  2. Bolało gdy spadałaś z nieba, moja gwiazdko? (Did it hurt when y'all fell from the sky, my star?)
  3. Chyba zadzwonię na policję, bo ukradłaś moje serce. (I think I'll call the police considering you lot stole my heart.)

Nearly in that location: 2 even more cringy Russian pick-upwardly lines

  1. Девушка, а вашей маме зять не нужен? (Hey babe, does your mother need a son-in-police?)
  2. Мне позвонили из рая и сказали, что от них сбежал самый красивый ангел, но я тебя не выдал. (They called me from sky and told me that the most beautiful angel escaped, just I couldn't tell where yous were.)

Blessedly last, just non to the lowest degree: iv Castilian choice-up lines

Psst: a small local government from a hamlet in Grenada recently got involved in a campaign to stop astringent verbal street harassment. The campaign went viral and it was a big, large deal.

As nosotros've mentioned: these 'funny' pick-up lines are all-time enjoyed when they stay on paper!

  1. ¡Espero que te guste la fruta bonita, porque yo soy tu media naranja! (I promise you lot similar fruit, because I'm your better half/half-orangish.)
  2. Eso es carne y no lo que le echa mi madre al cocido. (That'due south meat and not what my mom puts in the "cocido" – a typical Spanish stew.)
  3. Dime cómo te llamas y te pido para Reyes. (Tell me your proper name and I ask you as a "Reyes" – Three Wise Men-style – present.)
  4. ¡Qué poco azul llevas para lo cielo que eres! (Y'all're wearing so little blue considering how sky-similar you are. Just and so you know: in Spanish, calling someone the sky ways they're a very good person.)

We're Busuu, a language-learning app – and we don't just teach people about cringy option-up lines.

We as well help people acquire up to 12 languages.

Endeavor learning one with us for free today.

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Source: https://blog.busuu.com/cringy-pick-up-lines-in-english/

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